Mt. Lassen with Lupines

Mt. Lassen with Lupines
August sunshine with Alpine Lupine in spring abundance leads the eye to Mount Lassen from the trail to Bumpass Hell in Lassen Volcanic National Park. On this occasion, we were hiking out for family portraits and, of course, a great mountain portrait.
Here, the aroma of lupines blooming in abundance surrounds you with the warm sunshine of friendship with the earth and being alive. It is one of the special places on earth where you feel connected to everything if you stand in the moment and enjoy the feeling of the view. Breath lupine peace and feel the sunshine warmth as the cool breeze plays a melody with the trees, mountain, birds and you.
The blue lavender taste of the Alpine Lupine leads you up the mountain and back to the sun warm rock to rest and enjoy the feeling of being here. Hope you enjoy breathing some of the magic into your life too.