Beautiful. Dream window to the soul. An engaged eye to the future - dreaming of days to come. Of happiness to hold, today, tomorrow, forever remembering the past. Together in love and living - being the earth and the universe. In absence of mortal strife to come, confident in her ability to overcome, enthralled by the magic of living and gratitude of history shared. Dreamy she sees all the possibilities and tastes the tangerines sunshine as her husband to be beams sapphire smiles sailing her way on a wink and a wing. Hawk flight, their ring travelled the aisle of the rainstorm and landed with a splash and they the pledged their troth. Falconers forever!
The true story takes place over a span of years. The story of Shawna & Ben (& the hawk should be making a landing in the animal section of this web site too.) This picture represents the spirit of the situation and illustrates the promise in their story. It resulted from a magic moment, in a Blue Oak glade, on a day heady with the fragrances of a renaissance of experiences. The sun shone through the clouds and trees as her eyes lit upon her swain. We spoke of the wedding to come and impact of the moment made us all tingle and light up with energy. Helping to fuel us through all the hard work and investment in creating moments of great happiness and helping them ripple into the future provided by building on the past.